We’re in the process of selecting speakers and sessions. Actual slots and dates will be determined later, so there’s currently nothing to log in and schedule. This list is just to give you an idea of what to expect.
Monday May 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:15am CDT
Microsoft Sentinel and Defender XDR customers must navigate their monthly data ingestion costs, which can lead to unexpected Azure bills. Gain control over these variable costs with strategies to reduce expenses, potentially saving your organization thousands monthly. Learn how retention and archiving, agent-level pre-collection data filters, commitment tiers, pre-purchase plans, and license entitlements can significantly lower your Azure bill.

What you will learn:
  • Maximize Microsoft 365 E5 and Defender for Servers P2 ingestion credits.
  • Select the right commitment tier and pre-purchase plans, and recognize the optimal times to switch.
  • Utilize DCR XPath queries to filter logs and limit data collection from servers and devices.
  • Develop customized retention and archiving plans, including alternative tier logging.
avatar for Morten Knudsen

Morten Knudsen

Cloud & Security Architect, 2linkIT
Morten is Microsoft MVP (Security & Azure), MCT and holds +20 active certifications. As a Cloud & Security Architect, he is very passionate about Azure Infrastructure, M365, Automation, Security, Hybrid Cloud - and blogs about these topics on mortenknudsen.net. He loves to travel... Read More →
avatar for John Joyner

John Joyner

Microsoft MVP, Senior Director, Technology, AccountabilIT
John is Senior Director, Technology at AccountabilIT, an MSP/MSSP providing NOC & SOC services to organizations around the world. He's a Microsoft Azure MVP and has been awarded Microsoft MVP for 15 years (2007-2023). An author of five books on operations management, his latest book... Read More →
Monday May 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:15am CDT
  Azure, Optimization
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