We’re in the process of selecting speakers and sessions. Actual slots and dates will be determined later, so there’s currently nothing to log in and schedule. This list is just to give you an idea of what to expect.
Monday May 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:15am CDT
PowerShell by default is just like any other scripting language. You issue commands and they are processed consecutively, one after the other. But what happens when we have multiple things to do that don't depend on each other? Do we really need to wait for the first task to complete before we start the next? We actually have a very robust capability with PowerShell to perform parallel processing. We're not talking about For-EachObject -Parallel. In this session we'll look at runspaces and how to leverage them to achieve multi-threaded scripting.

What you will learn:
  • How to set up and use runspaces and pools.
  • Methods for sharing data between threads/workers.
  • Techniques for debugging and troubleshooting runspaces.
  • Guidelines for utilizing constrained runspaces effectively.
avatar for Jeff Scripter

Jeff Scripter

Full stack Developer, Recast Software
avatar for Scott Corio

Scott Corio

Microsoft MVP, Enterprise Cloud Architect, MMS Staff
Boasting over 20 years in IT, Scott is not only an esteemed Enterprise Cloud Architect for a major healthcare giant, but he's also a distinguished dual-award Microsoft MVP in Cloud & Datacenter Management and Enterprise Mobility. With a diverse portfolio spanning healthcare, non-profit... Read More →
Monday May 5, 2025 8:00am - 8:15am CDT
  Other, Scripting
  • format csv
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